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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: Geography & the Environment Department

Sultana quoted in Truthout article on students' travel during pandemic

It’s a common practice for people throughout the world to observe holidays far from their loved ones, says Farhana Sultana, associate professor of geography and the environment, suggesting that observing Thanksgiving and Christmas in the United States should be no different. She points out that the largest pilgrimage in the world, the Hajj, was canceled earlier this year. "This pandemic needs to be reined in, so both individual choices matter alongside formal policy advice and institutional mechanisms that promote pandemic response," she says. Read more in the Truthout article, "Hundreds of Thousands of Students Traveled Home This Week Amid COVID Spike." 
December 1, 2020

See related: COVID-19, United States

Monmonier presents at 2020 annual meeting of the NACIS

In his presentation, Mark Monmonier, Distinguished Professor of Geography, criticizes the destruction of copyright "deposit copies" by the Library of Congress. 

November 19, 2020

See related: Cartography, United States

Sultana talks to Scientific American about Biden, climate justice

"The most important action the Biden administration can do is to undertake all its policies and actions through a climate justice lens...and approach action with equity, accountability and justice in mind," says Farhana Sultana, associate professor of geography and the environment.

November 12, 2020

Sultana comments on Joe Biden's victory in Carbon Brief article

"This was a climate election since a large majority of voters noted that they were concerned with climate breakdown," says Farhana Sultana, associate professor of geography and the environment. "Biden has a climate plan and a mandate and he has promised to listen to scientists…which is vastly different from the last four years of war on science." 

November 10, 2020

Purser looks at teaching thrift in job readiness programs in new study

Brian Hennigan & Gretchen Purser
October 26, 2020

Bendix explores solutions to the western wildfire crisis in The Hill

"Recognition of the multiple contributors to the wildfire crisis should enable us to move past the focus on simple solutions — one size does not fit all, and reducing fire impacts will require a mix of approaches that match the geographic and ecological complexity of fire regimes," writes Jacob Bendix, professor of geography and the environment.

October 8, 2020

Sultana participates in international event on climate research

Farhana Sultana, associate professor of geography and the environment, participated in "Intersectionality and Climate justice: Towards an Emancipatory Climate Research Agenda," an event organized by the Centre for Climate Justice at Glasgow Caledonian University. The international webinar brought together critical scholars interested in climate justice and intersectionality with the aim of exploring common threads between the two concepts.

October 8, 2020

See related: Climate Change

Sultana talks to The Sanctuary for Independent Media about divesting from fossil fuels

Farhana Sultana, associate professor of geography and the environment, says "a divestment from fossil fuels signals a commitment to ending climate breakdown, to have climate justice, and to think about equitable and just transitions toward regenerative economies and societies that move away from fossil fuels."

September 18, 2020

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