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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: Geography & the Environment Department

Winders named faculty representative to SU Board of Trustees

Jamie Winders, professor of geography in the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, is best known for her interdisciplinary work on international migration and contributions to geography’s engagements with race, labor and social reproduction.

May 9, 2019

Launch of Autonomous Systems Policy Insitute featured by local, national and international media

Numerous outlets covered the launch and the daylong symposium that brought together scholars, policymakers and industry experts to discuss the rapidly evolving field. 
May 7, 2019

SU establishes new institute for autonomous systems policy

The institute will examine the complex social, ethical and legal questions that demand interdisciplinary, multi-faceted research to find answers to questions posed by the increasing reliance on autonomous systems.

May 3, 2019

Koch discusses her book The Geopolitics of Spectacle on BBC Radio

Natalie Koch, associate professor of geography, was recently interviewed on BBC Radio for the segment "Spectacular Cities - from Kazakhstan to the United Arab Emirates." Koch discusses her book, The Geopolitics of Spectacle: Space, Synecdoche, and the New Capitals of Asia (Cornell University Press, 2018), in which she evaluates how autocratic rulers use spectacular projects, such as “lavishly built landscapes and celebrations,” to govern and legitimate their power. 03/15/19
March 15, 2019

Huber quoted in Motherboard article on tech advances, climate change

"I think we actually do need a fair amount of innovation," says Matthew Huber, associate professor of geography. "But I think in our current society, innovation is narrowly guided by what is profitable. That’s the problem," says Huber, "We only ask what innovations are going to make private investors money." Huber was interviewed for the Motherboard article "Lab-Grown Meat Can't Fix the Planet That Capitalism Broke." 03/01/19
March 1, 2019

See related: Climate Change

Sultana awarded international 2019 Glenda Laws Award by American Association of Geographers

Farhana Sultana, associate professor of geography and research director for environmental collaboration and conflicts, has been awarded the 2019 Glenda Laws Award, which recognizes outstanding contributions to geographic research on social issues. 

February 26, 2019

Wilson explains how diet can impact climate on Life in HD podcast

Robert Wilson, associate professor of geography, was interviewed on the Life in HD podcast as part of the "Change Your Diet, Save The World" segment. Wilson examines how adopting a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle, or simply reducing your meat consumption can have a positive impact on the planet.
February 25, 2019

Who Makes the Rules?

That will be just one question considered when a new Syracuse University institute, housed at Maxwell, addresses the policy issues and social impacts associated with drones, self-driving cars, and other autonomous systems.

February 1, 2019

Maxwell leads campuswide initiative in field of autonomous systems

The new interdisciplinary effort at Syracuse University will advance knowledge and teaching in the field of autonomous systems, exploring new frontiers in policy, law and governance of these fast-expanding technologies. 
January 23, 2019

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