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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Barkun quoted in Washington Post article on the dark mood of the election

"I didn’t take it seriously for a long time, but in the last six weeks, it’s become very concerning," says Michael Barkun, professor emeritus of political science. "This idea that the other side winning the election will produce a precipitous decline and the disintegration of institutions is completely at variance with American history."

October 26, 2020

Purser looks at teaching thrift in job readiness programs in new study

Brian Hennigan & Gretchen Purser
October 26, 2020

Heflin article on food insecurity and educational attainment published in Social Problems

Colleen Heflin, Rajeev Darolia & Sharon Kukla-Acevedo
October 22, 2020

See related: Food Security

Reeher discusses Biden's debate strategy in The Hill

"I think the main thing for Biden at this point is to simply show up and get through the event without a major breakdown of some kind," says Grant Reeher, professor of political science. Most viewers are already locked in with their preferred candidate, he adds.

October 22, 2020

Stonecash provides insight on understanding the election in New York Times

Distinguished Professor Emeritus Jeffrey Stonecash says, we should be asking "about what values and ideas are driving polarization and which groups embrace some ideas rather than others," about understanding the election, for the New York Times.

October 21, 2020

Reeher speaks to Washington Examiner about the role of suburban voters

In an increasingly polarized political climate, Professor of Political Science Grant Reeher says the "friends and neighbors" effect of politics hasn't been so effective in recent cycles, and that it's unclear how strongly that message can sway voters in 2020. 

October 20, 2020

Exec Ed alum links Syracuse’s disability rights work with Uzbekistan

“I am truly impressed by how the academic and research environment for persons with disabilities is advanced and promising for replication in Uzbekistan,” said Mirjakhon Turdiev, a current social science Ph.D. candidate. “A rights-based approach to persons with disabilities and disability understanding in general is something I planned to export to Uzbekistan.” 

October 20, 2020

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