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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Reeher discusses Biden-Trump competing town halls in USA Today

Grant Reeher, professor of political science, says that Trump could be looking to recover after being largely criticized for his performance in the first presidential debate last month, where the candidates traded insults and crosstalk clogged much of the conversation. "I think there's more pressure on (Trump) to remedy that in terms of the way he comes across in this event," he says.

October 16, 2020

Reeher speaks to VOA Korea about why the vice president is important this election

Professor of Political Science Grant Reeher says that "Joe Biden is so old, that he may not finish out his term, and Donald Trump is also almost as old as Biden, but also has these health issues now that we don't know where they are going to go, and how severe they are going to be."

October 13, 2020

Center for Disability Resources empowers students, changes perceptions

Miguel Pica ’22 knows the important work the Center for Disability Resources (CDR) does to help students with disabilities meet their academic goals. He has been working with an access counselor at the center since he came to campus in 2019—and has found his personal success with their efforts.
October 12, 2020

O'Keefe discusses executive-legislative relations on CSIS podcast

University Professor Sean O’Keefe reflects that working in both the legislative and executive branches "are both rewarding in their own different ways, as long as you don't confuse that bright line of distinction between policy formulation and program implementation. It typically works very successfully."

October 12, 2020

See related: Congress, Federal, United States

Banks featured in WAER piece on COVID-19 in the White House, national security

"Attention on the domestic political situation and the president’s dominance of the news and his well-being is obscuring what else might be going on in the world that should be drawing some of our attention," says William Banks, professor emeritus of public administration and international affairs.

October 9, 2020

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