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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Reeher weighs in on rush to fill vacant SCOTUS seat in Lockport Union-Sun & Journal

Grant Reeher discusses the risk for Democrat's in an aggressive push to nominations to fill vacancies in high courts, although it could be perceived as a partisan scheme to stack the court just before an election cycle. Read more in "Top New York Democrats urge delay in filling high court vacancy." 
September 30, 2020

Shifa paper on trade in high-skilled human capital published

Abdulaziz B. Shifa
September 28, 2020

See related: Education

X Lab article on improving SNAP recertification published in JBPA

Leonard M. Lopoo, Colleen Heflin & Joseph Boskovski
September 24, 2020

See related: State & Local

Duncan protects the electrical grid from cybercrimes at NERC

Matt Duncan ’09 MAIR is now director of intelligence for the North American Electric Reliability Corporation’s Electricity (NERC) Information Sharing and Analysis Center (E-ISAC).
September 24, 2020

Maxwell scholars partner on effort to grow Syracuse’s new economy

Maxwell School scholars are partners in a project aimed at urban revitalization and positioning the City of Syracuse as a leader in the “smart” sector of the new economy – industries that use technology to drive economic growth and productivity.
September 23, 2020

See related: Grant Awards, State & Local

Reeher discusses the media's treatment of Trump in The Hill

"I do think it is clear, after almost four years of his presidency, that editorial choices...are very clearly very critical of the president [Donald Trump]," says Grant Reeher, professor of political science and director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute.

September 23, 2020

Lovely comments on US-China tech war in Axios article

The torrent of anti-Chinese rhetoric by the Trump administration recently has been countered by much softer actions, as the administration attempts to "thread the needle" of looking tough heading into the election while having the Chinese continue to purchase U.S. goods, says Mary Lovely, professor of economics.

September 23, 2020

Heflin, Lopoo, Boskovski study on behavioral interventions & SNAP recertification published in JBPA

Leonard Lopoo, Colleen Heflin & Joseph Boskovski
September 22, 2020

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