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Taylor discusses new book on Center for Strategic & International Studies Russian Roulette podcast

On the Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS) "Russian Roulette" podcast, Brian Taylor, professor and chair of political science, talks about his new book The Code of Putinism 
August 30, 2018

Boroujerdi discusses Islamic Republic, regime change in The Iranian

Mehrzad Boroujerdi, professor of political science, argues that extensive family ties of political leaders, given Iran’s lack of effective political parties, influence decision-making

August 30, 2018

Flores-Lagunes weighs in on issues facing workers in WalletHub

"The unemployment rate has been low for some months now (relative to the recent past), but there has not been noticeable pressure on wages," says Alfonso Flores-Lagunes, professor of economics.

August 30, 2018

Mary Lovely Named Inaugural Recipient of the Merget Fellowship Award

The fellowship is made possible by generous gifts to the Astrid Merget Fund honoring two-time alumna and former associate dean of the Maxwell School Astrid Merget ’68 M.P.A./’73 Ph.D. (SSc).

August 30, 2018

Lovely weighs in on new NAFTA deal on Bloomberg TV

"What this deal really is signaling is that this administration is going to go forward with a 25% tariff on autos," says Mary Lovely, professor of economics. "That's going to greatly upset our partners in the EU, in Japan."

August 29, 2018

Bowman Fund supports MPA and economics students

“I am pleased to have long known Woods Bowman, an important figure to me as a young faculty member when I was just beginning to teach public administration many years ago,” said David M. Van Slyke, dean of the Maxwell School. “This generous support for the next generation of graduate students in public administration and doctoral students in economics at Maxwell is a fitting memorial to Woods and one that we are honored to have received.”

August 28, 2018

Bringewatts establish graduate student scholarship fund

“We believe in the importance of quality local government...hence the key role Maxwell continues to play in educating local government leaders,” Margaret Beemer Bringewatt ’68 B.A. (PSc)/ ’72 M.P.A. says. Her and her husband Paul Bringewatt are supporting this stance through a new gift annuity fund for Maxwell graduate students. 

August 28, 2018

Ethnic diversity and attitudes towards refugees

Liza G. Steele & Lamis Abdelaaty
August 27, 2018

See related: Refugees

Eviction Lab Misses the Mark

Daniella Aiello, Lisa Bates, Terra Graziani, Christopher Herring, Manissa Maharawal, Erin McElroy, Pamela Phan & Gretchen Purser
August 27, 2018

See related: Housing

What's in a Number?

August 27, 2018

Lovely weighs in on how to resolve US-China trade war on Marketplace

Professor of Economics Mary Lovely says negotiators should seek specific policy changes that will address the reason for these tariffs in the first place—U.S. allegations that China treats American firms unfairly with respect to their technology and intellectual property.

August 23, 2018

Maxwell Advisory Board vice chair supports faculty excellence

A major gift from Maxwell alumna Cathy L. Daicoff ’79 MPA will provide support to top faculty members across the Maxwell School. Daicoff is a long-time member of the Maxwell Advisory Board and its current vice chair.
August 22, 2018

Karas Montez addresses education, health disparities at ASA meeting

Educational disparities in U.S. adult health are the focus of a presentation by a Maxwell School professor at the 2018 Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association (ASA) in Philadelphia.
August 21, 2018

Taylor discusses Code of Putinism on PONARS Eurasia podcast

Brian Taylor, professor of political science, considers key elements of Vladimir Putin's "code" to be the idea of statism, habit of control, and emotion of respect. 

August 21, 2018

Reeher weighs in on latest Trump controversies

“There have been so many things over the last couple of years that it is just impossible to point to one thing that is going to be a particular problem, or more of a problem than the rest,” says Grant Reeher, professor of political science.

August 20, 2018

Banks discusses latest in Mueller probe on Bloomberg Radio

"The tweet that he [President Trump] released on Monday morning where he admitted the purpose of the 2016 meeting was to get more information on an opponent...if that was the purpose of the meeting, that was clearly unlawful." He added, "now, Mr. Mueller and his team have all the more reason to want to talk to the President."

August 17, 2018

Reeher discusses Trump's CNY visit, reaction of GOP reps in CNYCentral

"For [Elise] Stefanik, she is betting that the district will distinguish and appreciate the nuance of her approach toward the president— of supporting at a distance, in order to help with the district," says Professor of Political Science Grant Reeher.

August 17, 2018

Soc faculty discuss impact of SCD on veteran mortality at ASA meeting

“Although past research has documented a higher overall mortality risk among veterans compared to non-veterans, no study until now has considered the contribution of SCD to veteran-non-veteran mortality differentials,” says Scott Landes, associate professor of sociology and the paper’s lead author.

August 16, 2018

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