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Keck provides insight on court-packing battles to come in Washington Post

"The new Democratic majority in the House spells big trouble for President Trump, who will now be subject to substantial congressional oversight," says Thomas Keck, Michael O. Sawyer Chair of Constitutional Law and Politics.

November 20, 2018

Lovely discusses Made in America labeling in Wall Street Journal

According to Mary Lovely, professor of economics, the rules around Made in America labeling can be confusing, and companies can violate them without realizing it. "There are rules, and companies—even if they’re trying to abide by them—may find them complicated, so issuing a cease and desist, it might not be unreasonable."

November 20, 2018

Maxwell's first-ever Huxley scholar has found her intellectual home

The Huxley Invest Syracuse Scholarship was created by alum Ken Hedrick '76 M.P.A. via the University's innovative Invest Syracuse scholarship initiative. "The scholarship is really a door-opener for allowing me to do the things I want—such as study abroad—without restriction," says it's first recipient, Brielle Valenza, a double-major in political science and psychology with a minor in philosophy.

November 19, 2018

ASI community collaboration benefits older adults with cognitive decline

A $51,110 grant was awarded by the Health Foundation for Western and Central New York for the project, “Early Identification of Cognitive Impairment in Older Adults Living at Home.” The project is led by Maria T. Brown, assistant research professor at Falk College's School of Social Work. The goal of the project is to screen for cognitive decline as part of routine community health services currently offered to older adults.

November 19, 2018

Giving Circle Membership: How Collective Giving Impacts Donors

Julia L. Carboni & Angela Eikenberry
November 19, 2018

Glimmerglass Festival

We evaluated whether a targeted literacy campaign could increase parent/guardian awareness of the importance of reading and communicating with young children.

November 18, 2018

Maxwell X Lab, City of Syracuse collaboration improves tax collection process

Maxwell X Lab, part of the Center for Policy Research at Syracuse University’s Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, recently completed a series of projects designed to reduce overdue property tax bills in the City of Syracuse. So far, the initiative has helped the City to recoup more than $1.4 million in overdue property taxes, and hundreds of additional properties were prompted to get current on their bills, preventing more costly and troublesome outcomes for both the owner and the City alike.

November 18, 2018

See related: Housing, State & Local

Reeher quoted in Democrat & Chronicle article on House Dems, Trump

"If there are going to be deals between the House of Representatives and the president, one of the main places will be in the budget, so the appropriations committee will have a big role," says Professor of Political Science Grant Reeher.

November 16, 2018

Lovely quoted in Business Insider article on US tariff revenue

"The president looks at this [foreign tariffs] and says it's coming from foreigners," says Mary Lovely, professor of economics. "That's not technically correct. I mean, I go to Macy's and pay a sales tax. Macy's is the one that sends the check to the government, but that doesn't mean they're the ones that pay the tax. I am."

November 15, 2018

Rapaport Endowed Scholarship supports Maxwell undergraduates

The Susan and H. Lewis Rapaport Endowed Scholarship will support undergraduate students who have demonstrated interest in studying history or political science. When complete, the Rapaport endowment will total $250,000. “As a member of the Maxwell Advisory Board, I’ve seen first-hand the remarkable undergraduate students who are attending Maxwell today,” Lewis Rapaport ’59 B.A. (AmSt) says. 

November 15, 2018

Bendix discusses the factors behind the CA wildfires in USA Today

"Over the past two months, the areas now burning have had far less precipitation than normal for this time of year, while experiencing above-average temperatures," says Jacob Bendix, associate professor of geography. "Thus, conditions were primed for fire."
November 14, 2018

Hedrick gift establishes Huxley/Hedrick Scholarship

Robert "Ken" Hedrick has established funding for the Walter F. Huxley and Robert K. Hendrick Endowed Scholarship. The Huxley/Hedrick Scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to undergraduate students enrolled in the Maxwell School, while giving preference to first-generation college students
November 13, 2018

Maxwell X Lab, City of Syracuse collab improves tax collection process

So far, the initiative has helped the City to recoup more than $1.4 million in overdue property taxes, and hundreds of additional properties were prompted to get current on their bills, preventing more costly and troublesome outcomes for both the owner and the City alike. Furthermore, the project has established a costless change to city tax collection processes that has the potential to produce benefits for years to come.
November 13, 2018

See related: State & Local

Combative Federalism: Why So Many States Are Suing Trump

State of Democracy Lecture with Alan Greenblatt, Combative Federalism: Why So Many States Are Suing Trump. Greenblatt is a highly respected investigative reporter who covers politics and policy issues, particularly those of state and local government and state-federal relationships, for Governing magazine. His lecture will explore the divide between state and federal powers under our current president and how the midterm election results could affect the balance of powers. Reception to follow lecture. This series is coordinated by the Campbell Public Affairs Institute at the Maxwell School.
November 10, 2018

South Asia Center awarded $1.4 million for instruction, research

The U.S. Department of Education has awarded the South Asia Center (SAC) in the Daniel Patrick Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs nearly $1.4 million in Title VI language and area studies funding.
November 9, 2018

Barkun writes about failed prophecies, Trump in Foreign Policy

Barkun discusses how conspiracy theorists are bringing apocalyptic beliefs into the political mainstream and examines the willingness of people to stay loyal to their beliefs even in the face of a world that contradicts them.

November 9, 2018

Bybee discusses post-election well-being with Thrive Global

No matter where you fall on the political spectrum, accept your temporary defeats and get involved in local or national affairs, encourages Keith Bybee, professor of political science. Studies indicate that volunteering—participating in a cause greater than yourself—is a surefire way to boost your well-being. 

November 8, 2018

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