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Dustin Brown '01 MPA appointed senior fellow at Volcker Alliance

Dustin Brown appointed as senior fellow at Volcker Alliance, a nonprofit organization established to advance effective management of government to achieve results for citizens.
September 13, 2018

Battle Tested

As Syracuse University’s first Tillman Scholar and a PA student focused on national security studies, Ryan Gross brings real life to the classroom.

September 12, 2018

Fragile States

Sound scholarship helps us understand what sometimes seems unknowable: North Africa and the Middle East.

September 12, 2018

Taylor featured in Newsweek article on strengthening Russia-China ties

Brian Taylor, expert on Russian politics, discusses the strengthening relationship between China and Russia,, who are both concerned about US domination of the international system. "The two countries have expanded their economic and political cooperation over the last decade," writes Taylor.

September 12, 2018

Reeher weighs in on upcoming NY gubernatorial primary in Newsday

"The inference would be that he’s more worried about this one," says Professor of Political Science Grant Reeher, about the $16 million [Governor] Cuomo has spent, largely on TV ads championing the economy and his liberal achievements.

September 12, 2018

Lovely discusses tariffs with the Economist, Wall Street Journal

"The first few rounds of tariffs hit supply chains really hard," says Mary Lovely, professor of economics. Now, the Trump administration "has begun to hit things clearly not processed in the U.S.—consumer goods—and this is going to get people’s attention."

September 12, 2018

Olley and Pakes-style Production Function Estimators with Firm Fixed Effects

Yoonseok Lee, Andrey Stoyanov & Nikolay Zubanov
September 11, 2018

Blood in the Rust Belt: Mourning and Memorialization in the Context of Community Violence

Robert A. Rubinstein, Sandra D. Lane, Lookman Mojeed, Shaundel Sanchez, Elise Catania, Timothy Jennings-Bey, Arnett Haygood-El & Edward Mitchell Jr.
September 11, 2018

See related: Crime & Violence

Palmers supporting professional master’s students

University Professor John L. Palmer, a former long-time dean of the school, and his wife, Stephanie G. Palmer, have made a major gift commitment to the Maxwell School that will create an endowed fund supporting Maxwell professional master’s students, with an emphasis on financial aid and career development services. 

September 10, 2018

Maxwell announces new faculty members, program chair

The academic year begins at the Maxwell School with the arrival of several new faculty members. In addition, Renée de Nevers, associate professor of public administration and international affairs (PAIA), is the new chair of the Social Science Doctoral Program.
September 10, 2018

D'Amico elected to National Model UN Board of Directors

NMUN, which elected Francine D'Amico, teaching professor of international relations to the board of directors, is a nonprofit organization that advances understanding of the United Nations and contemporary international issues by providing quality education experiences that emphasize collaboration and cooperative resolution of conflict. 

September 7, 2018

See related: Model U.N.

Maxwell invites undergrad students of color to Public Policy Camp

The Maxwell School of Syracuse University is pleased to partner with the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) to host a one-day “Public Policy Camp” designed to introduce promising young students of color to the field and to help ensure that diverse perspectives are represented in leadership roles wherever public policies are made and implemented.
September 7, 2018

Pralle research cited in Acadiana Advocate article on flood insurance

Sarah Pralle, associate professor of political science, found that the unpleasant surprise of the new insurance costs often causes political pressure that can ultimately lead to map revisions that underestimate flood exposure.

September 6, 2018

Mortality Among Veterans and Non-veterans: Does Type of Health Care Coverage Matter?

Scott D. Landes, Andrew S. London & Janet M. Wilmoth
The authors argue that, in order to fully understand veteran status differences in morbidity and mortality, future studies must move beyond the analysis of veteran- and Veteran Affairs-only samples, and should take into account variable connections of subpopulations to the military, resultant differences in types of health care coverage, and sex/gender.
September 6, 2018

Lovely discusses trade deficits with Bloomberg and Marketplace

"Trade policy has very little direct impact on the overall trade deficit in the longer run," said Mary Lovely, professor of economics.

September 6, 2018

Engelhardt research cited in MarketWatch article on Social Security

Gary Engelhardt, professor of economics, and his co-authors found that early Social Security claiming leads to a significant increase in the number of retirees living in poverty.

September 6, 2018

Taylor's Code of Putinism reviewed in Washington Times

"With only 209 pages of actual text, it is a fraction of the length of many windier, weightier academic books that say more while telling us less," reads a review of Professor of Political Science Brian Taylor's book, "The Code of Putinism."

September 6, 2018

Evensky writes about success in college on

Jerry Evensky, professor of economics, examines what "success in college" means in his article "How to get the most out of college: an insider's view," published on 
September 5, 2018

See related: Education

One Big Weekend in the Adirondacks: The Future of Public Administration

This summer, Maxwell convened Minnowbrook at 50, an anniversary conference on the same hallowed ground. For most who attended, the times seemed no less volatile, and deciding how public administrators and scholars meet an era’s challenges proved anything but simple.

September 1, 2018

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