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Grandparenting in the United States

Madonna Harrington Meyer
December 31, 2016

See related: Health Policy

Current MPA class includes two Robertson Fellows

Two MPA/IR students represent the newest cohort of Robertson Fellows. Maxwell is one of five graduate schools to receive funding for the Fellows Program from the Robertson Foundation for Government. Each year, Maxwell identifies two high-performing U.S. graduate students to receive grants providing full tuition for two years of study, a living stipend and health insurance, and assistance in finding a summer internship.
December 20, 2016

Maxwell seniors among honored Remembrance Scholars

In total, 35 Syracuse University students were celebrated at a convocation, memorializing those lost in the bombing of Pan Am 103. The Remembrance Scholarships are among the most prestigious scholarships awarded by Syracuse University.

December 20, 2016

Veteran receives SoldierStrong scholarship toward Maxwell degree

The SoldierScholarship, which is meant to provide financial aid for post-9/11 veterans who wish to continue their education in public service, recently awarded Jordan Robinson, who served in the Marine Corps for six years prior to becoming a graduate student in the public diplomacy program at Maxwell.

December 20, 2016

Sharp op-ed on Electoral College published on

"The survival of our democracy requires public confidence in the country's institutions—a confidence that has been shaken by this election. Cynicism promotes resignation and non-participation and a dangerous and thoughtless acceptance of facile, misleading and false promises," writes James Roger Sharp, professor emeritus of history.

December 19, 2016

See related: U.S. Elections

Quicken the Sense of Public Duty

Maxwell’s new dean, David M. Van Slyke, takes the Athenian Oath very seriously. And he views the Maxwell School — with all its complexity and plurality and disciplinary cross-currents — as uniquely prepared to uphold it.
December 16, 2016

Future Foundry: A New Strategic Approach to Military-Technical Advantage

Ben FitzGerald, Alexandra Sander & Jacqueline Parziale
December 15, 2016

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Benefits and Emergency Room Visits for Hypoglycemia

Colleen Heflin , Leslie Hodges & Peter Mueser
December 13, 2016

See related: Food Security

Sultana co-edits book on global food and water security

The essays, edited by Farhana Sultana, associate professor of geography, highlight the links between bio-physical and socio-cultural processes, making connections between local and global scales, and focusing on the everyday practices of eating and drinking, essential for human survival.

December 13, 2016

Maxwell students, faculty, alumni featured in story on Standing Rock

“It’s a significant victory, but it’s temporary,” cautions Phil Arnold, who serves as associate professor and chair of religion in the College of Arts and Sciences, about the delay of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) construction. "An Environmental Impact Statement hasn’t been done yet for the DAPL. Drillers may wait for President-elect Donald Trump, whose interests are aligned with fossil fuel development, to take office in January and reverse the decision.”

December 13, 2016

Andrew Cohen discusses his book on Point of Inquiry

Andrew Cohen, professor of history, argues that looking at early 19th century American trade policies, and the effort to police smuggling goods and contraband, gives us some telling insight about the transformation of America into what it is today.

December 13, 2016

Kriesberg authors OpEd on need for stronger infrastructure for peace

Louis Kriesberg, professor emeritus of sociology, argues that "with the ascent of Trump to the U.S. presidency, the need is greater than ever to think and act creatively," in his article published in the Huffington Post.

December 12, 2016

O'Keefe featured in Associated Press story on John Glenn

Sean O'Keefe reflects on his work with John Glenn over the years in an Associated Press piece. 
December 12, 2016

Barkun quoted on pizzagate in The Washington Post

Michael Barkun, professor emeritus of political science, says that conspiracy theories are "constructed in such a way that there isn’t any evidence you can present to someone who believes them that will lead a believer to change his or her mind."

December 12, 2016

Reeher discusses White House hopeful Gillibrand in Lockport Journal

Professor of Political Science Grant Reeher says that presidential candidate Senator Kirsten Gillibrand's drive and focus could make her a "legitimate contender" in 2020.

December 9, 2016

See related: U.S. Elections

Dutkowsky weighs in on Trump's education agenda in DO

Donald Dutkowsky, professor of economics, said that Syracuse University has been mostly self-sustaining for many years with funding primarily from tuition and donations, and that President Trump's education policies will not necessarily be a big player in SU’s operations.

December 9, 2016

See related: U.S. Elections

Allport interviewed on 75th anniversary of Pearl Harbor attack on WAER

"Diplomats in Washington I’m sure want to make sure that if nothing else, that American-Japanese relations are very good,” says Alan Allport, professor of history.

December 9, 2016

Reeher discusses Trump's transition style in Washington Examiner

"There's no reason to think that once elected, he [President Trump] would turn on a dime and act like all previous president-elects, when he did not act like previous candidates," says Grant Reeher, professor of political science and director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute.

December 8, 2016

See related: U.S. Elections

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