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Maxwell Perspective: LDF in Lebanon

After four years of bringing young, English-speaking professionals from the Middle East and North Africa to the U.S. through the Leaders for Democracy Fellowship program, the State Department decided to expand the highly successful LDF program by offering a similar program based in one of its target countries. The Maxwell School was asked to develop this new program, in Arabic, to serve emerging leaders who may not be fluent in English or may not be able to travel to the United States. The natural location for the Arabic LDF program was the American University of Beirut (AUB), already a Maxwell partner in student exchanges

July 7, 2012

Mobility-Based Explanation of Crime Incentives

Yoonseok Lee & Donggyun Shin
June 30, 2012

See related: Crime & Violence

Improving With Age

The study of gerontology at Syracuse — including research done in Maxwell’s Center for Policy Research — has gotten a boost with a new Aging Studies Institute and a named professorship. Already prominent, SU’s gerontological programs are poised for growth and greater recognition.

June 1, 2012

Strategic substitutes or complements? The Game of Where to Fish

Robert L. Hicks, William C. Horrace & Kurt E. Schnier
April 30, 2012

Financial Constraints on Corporate Goodness

Harrison G. Hong, Jeffrey D. Kubik & José Scheinkman
April 25, 2012

Estimation of sample selection models with spatial dependence

Alfonso Flores-Lagunes & Kurt Erik Schnier
February 29, 2012

Hahn-Hausman Test as a Specification Test

Yoonseok Lee & Ryo Okui
February 29, 2012

Alternative Technical Efficiency Measures: Skew, Bias and Scale

Qu Feng & William C. Horrace
February 15, 2012

Social Science Methodology

John Gerring, Boston University
February 12, 2012

See related: Research Methods

Does Small High School Reform Lift Urban Districts? Evidence from NYC

Leanna Stiefel, Matthew Wiswall, Amy Ellen Schwartz & Elizabeth Debraggio
February 1, 2012

See related: Education

Estimating the Effects of Length of Exposure to Instruction in a Training Program: The Case of Job Corps

Carlos A. Flores, Alfonso Flores-Lagunes, Arturo Gonzalez & Todd C. Neumann
January 31, 2012

See related: Education

Tax Expenditures, the Size and Efficiency of Government, and Implications for Budget Reform

Leonard E. Burman, Marvin Phaup & Jeffrey Brown
December 31, 2011

See related: Taxation

Human Rights and Legal Pluralism

Yüksel Sezgin
December 31, 2011

See related: Human Rights

The Sudan Handbook

Jok Madut Jok
December 31, 2011

See related: Africa (Sub-Saharan)

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