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A Different Lincoln

Anyone who has seen the Abraham Lincoln statue that anchors the Max­well courtyard can’t forget it. But who is this Lincoln, and where did he come from? 
December 21, 2009

Municipal Bond Ratings and Citizens’ Rights

John Yinger
October 19, 2009

See related: Infrastructure

Understanding Korea

The Donald P. and Margaret Gregg Professorship and the new Korean Peninsula Affairs Center will make Maxwell a locus for study of this complicated little corner of the world.

September 1, 2009

See related: International Affairs

Renewable Energy Policies and Technological Innovation: Evidence Based on Patent Counts

Nick Johnstone, Ivan Haščič & David Popp
August 18, 2009

See related: Climate Change, Energy

Financial Development and Openness: Evidence from Panel Data

Badi H.Baltagi, Panicos O.Demetriades & Siong Hook Law
June 30, 2009

See related: Trade

The Effect of Parental Medicaid Expansions on Job Mobility

Sarah Hamersma & Matthew Kim
June 30, 2009

Taxing Capital Gains in Australia: Assessment and Recommendations

Leonard E. Burman, Chris Evans & Richard Krever
March 24, 2009

See related: Taxation

Does Prenatal WIC Participation Improve Birth Outcomes? New Evidence From Florida

David Figlio, Sarah Hamersma & JeffreyRoth
January 31, 2009

Spatial Econometrics: Methods and Applications

Badi H. Baltagi
January 1, 2009

Peacekeeping Under Fire: Culture and Intervention

Robert A. Rubinstein
December 31, 2008

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