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Center for Policy Research News

Horrace study on endogenous network production functions with selectivity published in JE

William C. Horrace, Xiaodong Liu & Eleonora Patacchini
January 31, 2016

Flores-Lagunes study on degree attainment published in Economics of Education Review

Vikesh Amin, Carlos A. Flores, Alfonso Flores-Lagunes & Daniel J. Parisian
December 31, 2015

See related: Crime & Violence, Education

Heflin paper on the Great Recession and SNAP caseloads published in Journal of Poverty

Mark Edwards, Colleen Heflin, Peter Mueser, Suzanne Porter & Bruce Weber
December 10, 2015

Bifulco and Lopoo article on school desegregation and teenage fertility published in EEPA

Robert Bifulco, Leonard M. Lopoo & Sun Jung Oh
November 30, 2015

See related: Education

The Oxford Handbook of Panel Data

Badi H. Baltagi
November 5, 2015

Flores-Lagunes study on treatment effects of Job Corps training published in JHR

Xuan Chen, Carlos A. Flores & Alfonso Flores-Lagunes
October 31, 2015

Schewe study on herd management and somatic cell counts published in Journal of Dairy Science

Rebecca L. Schewe, J. Kayitsinga, G.A. Contreras, C. Odom, W.A. Coats, P. Durst, E.P. Hovingh, R.O. Martinez, R. Mobley, S. Moore & R.J. Erskine
October 31, 2015

See related: Agriculture

Flores-Lagunes article on open enrollment choice published in RSUE

David Brasington, Alfonso Flores-Lagunes & Ledia Guci
October 29, 2015

See related: Education

Monnat study on human papillomavirus vaccination among adolescent girls published in MCHJ

Shannon M. Monnat, Danielle C. Rhubart & Sherrie Flynt Wallington
October 27, 2015

Hou's evaluation of China's new rural cooperative medical system published in BMC Public Health

Chengyue Li, Yilin Hou, Mei Sun, Jun Lu, Ying Wang, Xiaohong Li, Fengshui Chang & Mo Hao
October 22, 2015

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Center for Policy Research Events

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Volcker Symposium - Promoting Pro-Social Behavior

Strasser Legacy Room, 220 Eggers Hall

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The topic of this year's symposium is "Promoting Pro-Social Behavior." Panelists include Alix Barasch (NYU), Syon Bhanot (Swarthmore College), Sandra Goff (Skidmore College), and Sandra Polania-Reyes (Notre Dame). For more information about this event, please contact Katrina Fiacchi at or visit the Volcker Symposium website

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Center for Policy Research
426 Eggers Hall