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Center for Policy Research News

Schwartz analysis on housing choice voucher recipients and good schools published in JPAM

Ingrid Gould Ellen, Keren Mertens Horn & Amy Ellen Schwartz
June 26, 2016

See related: Housing

Schwartz article on the causal effect of moving schools on student performance

Amy Ellen Schwartz, Leanna Stiefel & Sarah A. Cordes
June 17, 2016

Schwartz paper on neighborhoods schools and obesity published in PLOS ONE

Brian Elbel, Sean P. Corcoran, Amy Ellen Schwartz
June 15, 2016

See related: Health Policy, Longevity

Schwartz study on breakfast, obesity and academic performance published in JPAM

Sean P. Corcoran, Brian Elbel & Amy Ellen Schwartz
May 31, 2016

Rothenberg paper on Indonesia’s informal sector published in World Development

Alexander D. Rothenberg, Arya Gaduh, Nicholas E. Burgera, Charina Chazali, Indrasari Tjandraningsih, Rini Radikun, Cole Sutera & Sarah Weilant
March 31, 2016

See related: East Asia

Baltagi generalized mixed regressive spatial autoregressive panel data article published in ER

Badi H. Baltagi & Long Liu
This article suggests random and fixed effects spatial two-stage least squares estimators for the generalized mixed regressive spatial autoregressive panel data model.
March 31, 2016

Schwartz article on impacts of classifying NYC students as overweight published in PNAS

Douglas Almond, Ajin Lee & Amy Ellen Schwartz
March 28, 2016

Batalgi article on change points in panel models published in Econometric Reviews

Badi H. Baltagi, Chihwa Kao & Long Liu
February 29, 2016

Hamersma paper on food security and teenage labor supply published in AEP&P

Sarah Hamersma & Matthew Kim
February 29, 2016

See related: Food Security

Baltagi article on heterogeneous panels with structural breaks published in Journal of Econometrics

Badi H. Baltagi, Qu Feng & Chihwa Kao
The authors find that the common correlated effects estimator have the same asymptotic distribution as if the true change points were known.
February 29, 2016

Burman study on financial transaction taxes published in National Tax Journal

Leonard E. Burman, William G. Gale, Sarah Gault, Bryan Kim, James R. Nunns & Steven M. Rosenthal
February 29, 2016

Schwartz study on effect of a school-based water intervention on child BMI published in JAMA

Amy Ellen Schwartz, Michele Leardo & Siddhartha Aneja
February 29, 2016

See related: Natural Resources

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Center for Policy Research Events

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Paul Volcker Lecture in Behavioral Economics


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Dr. Brigitte Madrian (Brigham Young University) will present the Sixth Annual Paul Volcker Lecture in Behavioral Economics, titled "Applying Behavioral Insights to the Design of Public Policy".

Dr. Madrian is the Dean and Marriott Distinguished Professor in the Brigham Young University Marriott School of Business where she has a joint appointment in the Department of Finance and the George W. Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics. Her current research focuses on behavioral economics and household finance, with a particular focus on household saving and investment behavior. Her work in this area has impacted the design of employer-sponsored savings plans in the U.S. and has influenced pension reform legislation both in the U.S. and abroad. She also uses the lens of behavioral economics to understand health behaviors and improve health outcomes.

This is a virtual event via zoom. Registration is required. Please submit the registration form

For more information about the Volcker Lecture, please visit the Volcker Lecture website or contact Katrina Fiacchi at

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Center for Policy Research
426 Eggers Hall