Center for Policy Research News
Monnat comments on risks of healthcare mergers in CBS article
Monnat weighs in on possible CVS, Aetna merger in Boston Globe
Hou article on public service capitalization and real property value published in PF&TE
Burman weighs in on a simpler tax code in the Huffington Post
"Radical simplification would be possible, but this bill is not radical simplification, regardless of how may props they use," says Len Burman, Paul Volcker Chair in Behavioral Economics, about the GOP tax bill.
Bifulco comments on Say Yes to Education in article
Lutz study on SAT mismatch, college outcomes published in Ethnic and Racial Studies journal
See related: Education
Burman discusses GOP tax plan in Washington Post, CBS News, NY Times
"This is not a burden increase. People who qualify for premium tax credits and drop insurance are better off doing it (their cost of insurance doesn't change). Worse off are those who have incomes too high to qualify for credits and would face much higher premiums," says Len Burman, Paul Volcker Chair in Behavioral Economics.
Monnat op-ed on the opioid crisis published in ConvergenceRI
Shannon Monnat, associate professor of sociology and Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion, discusses the need to address the underlying causes of distress, despair and disconnectedness in regards to the opioid epidemic.
Burman comments on the debate to end the estate tax in The Atlantic
If Gary Cohn, the White House chief economic adviser, "were trying to make a parody of the rich people’s argument for the estate tax, he couldn’t have done a better job,” says Leonard Burman, professor of public administration and international affairs and Paul Volcker Chair in Behavioral Economics.
Maxwell X Lab innovates policymaking through behavioral science
Monnat cited in Business Insider article on opioid crisis, Trump
Shannon Monnat, associate professor of sociology and Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion, says her findings indicate that places where rates of death due to drug addiction, alcohol abuse, and suicide are high are also places that heavily supported Trump in the election.
Inaugural Otey and Barbara Scruggs graduate scholars named
“The Otey and Barbara Scruggs scholarship is a fitting tribute to a treasured member of the History Department and his wife,” said Associate Professor and Chair of History Norman Kutcher. “Otey cared deeply about the University generally and the History Department especially. Graduate education grew substantially in strength and numbers under his leadership, so it is fitting that this scholarship will benefit our most deserving graduate students.”
Lutz study on mismatch and academic performance published in Ethnic and Racial Studies
See related: Education
Ma study on fairness in admission in the China published in Frontiers of Education in China
Heflin study on material hardship published in Social Problems
See related: Food Security
Harrington Meyer article on grandparenting published in Innovation in Aging journal
Schwartz study on inclusion, students with disabilities published
Maxwell announces new chair appointments
The Maxwell School has appointed new chairs for the departments of anthropology, economics, history, international relations (undergraduate), political science and sociology, as well as an interim chair of social science.
Bifulco study on synthetic controls to evaluate unique interventions published in Evaluation Review
See related: Education
Lutz writes for Huffington Post on immigrants serving in the U.S. military
"The United States has a long tradition of enlisting immigrants. Immigrants make up an important part of the U.S. military, and have since the formation of the United States. Our country should not make it difficult for them to serve," writes Amy Lutz, associate professor of sociology.
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Center for Policy Research Events
CPR Seminar Series: Elizabeth Linos
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Elizabeth Linos (UC Berkeley) will present, "It's Not Your Fault: Reducing Stigma," as part of the CPR Seminar Series. For more information please contact Emily Minnoe at
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