Cases, Simulations and Syllabi
Designed for use in teaching collaboration skills, all resources are selected through an annual competition sponsored by PARCC and double-blind peer reviewed by a committee of academics and practitioners.
The Whittier Sewer Project Case
Ricardo S. Morse & John B. Stephens (University of North Carolina)
July 29, 2021
Cross-sector Collaboration and Urban Revitalization in Buffalo, NY
Madeleine R. Hamlin and Jesse Lecy (Syracuse University)
July 29, 2021
Corruption in Atlantikk Simulation
Tina Nabatchi & Rigo Melgar-Melgar (Syracuse University)
July 29, 2021
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Simulation
Khaldoun AbouAssi (American University) & Tina Nabatchi (Syracuse University)
July 29, 2021
Building a Healthy Community
Victoria Lowerson and Martha S. Feldman (University of California, Irvine)
July 29, 2021
A Struggle for Power and Control over Service Delivery in the Nonprofit Sector
Melissa Brazil and Eli Teram Wilfrid (Laurier University)
July 29, 2021
Implementing the Earned Income Tax Credit at AccountAbility Minnesota
Jodi Sandfort (University of Minnesota)
July 29, 2021
When a Highway Divides a City: Improving Decision Making in Syracuse, New York
Jack Becker (Syracuse University)
July 29, 2021
Practicing Textbook Tools and Confronting Challenges That Textbooks Don’t
Steven M. Maser (Williamette University), Samuel J. Imperati (Institute for Conflict Management, Inc.) & Jessica Ordonez (Apicality Communication, LLC)
July 29, 2021