Cases, Simulations and Syllabi
Designed for use in teaching collaboration skills, all resources are selected through an annual competition sponsored by PARCC and double-blind peer reviewed by a committee of academics and practitioners.
Water for you and me, or water for us? Regional collaboration in drinking water systems
This simulation gives students the opportunity to explore the complexities of drinking water provision governance, as well as relate important aspects of decision-making to the needs of the stakeholders they represent.
StopPalu: Advancing Community-focused Fight against Malaria in Guinea
#Kifaya# Enough Dangerous Speech for South Sudanese
See related: Education
Trust as an Asset Building a Managed Service Organization in MACC
Politics of Structuring Interorganizational Collaboration and the Selection of Good Clients
Managing a Public-Private Joint Venture: The PTB Case
Kujichagulia: Actively Building a Public-Nonprofit Community Partnership
Indiana Household Hazardous Waste Task Force
Inclusive Management: Planning 'Green Grand Rapids'
Health Careers Institute Collaboration