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In the News: Michael J. Williams

Williams Quoted in National Magazine Article on Conscription in Canada

“The U.S. and Canada will do anything possible to avoid a draft,” says Michael Williams, associate professor of public administration and international affairs. If war breaks out, a coalition force of North American professional military personnel would likely do the fighting, alongside existing European troops, he says.

June 21, 2024

Williams Weighs In on McConnell’s Diminishing Power in the Senate in McClatchy DC Article

“He [Mitch McConnell] is basically a dead duck. The last of a dying breed,”  says Michael Williams, associate professor of public administration and international affairs.

March 25, 2024

Who’s Afraid of the Bomb?: The Euromissiles Crisis and Nuclear Weapons in Europe, Past and Present

Michael John Williams

"Who’s Afraid of the Bomb?: The Euromissiles Crisis and Nuclear Weapons in Europe, Past and Present," written by Michael John Williams, associate professor of public administration and international affairs, was published in International Studies Review.

March 20, 2024

New Carnegie-Maxwell Policy Planning Lab Launches Foreign Affairs Training Program

International relations professionals may apply for the first-of-its-kind program supported by the Carnegie Corporation of New York.

February 1, 2024

Ukrainian Students Find Refuge in a Community with a History of Supporting Those Impacted by War

Nearly two years after the full-scale Russian invasion, Ukrainian students find refuge in a community of scholars with a long history of supporting those impacted by war.

December 13, 2023

Williams Weighs In on Continuing Support for Ukraine in Atlantic Council, NY Times Articles

“Cutting off aid to Ukraine, as some in Congress propose, would undermine the immediate war effort in Europe and diminish the deterrent power of U.S. military force globally,” says Michael John Williams, associate professor of public administration and international affairs.

December 7, 2023

Michael Williams Honored with NATO-Fulbright Security Studies Award

He will spend four months conducting research and teaching in Brussels, Belgium. 

July 25, 2023

Michael Williams Joins International Studies Association’s Governing Council

Michael Williams, associate professor of public administration and international affairs and director of the master of arts in international relations program, has been elected to the Governing Council of the International Studies Association and the Executive Committee of the Governing Council for 2023-24. 

April 5, 2023

Williams Piece on Putin’s Fear of Democracy Published in the Atlantic Council UkraineAlert Blog

"Putin has always known that NATO poses no credible security threat to Russia itself. Since the end of the Cold War, NATO’s force posture and the U.S. military presence in Europe have greatly declined, reducing any potential military threat to Russia. What really scares the Russian elite is the spread of democracy," argues Michael John Williams, associate professor of public administration and international affairs.

March 10, 2023

See related: Conflict, NATO, Russia, Ukraine

Williams Reacts to the US Deployment of Tanks to Ukraine in Atlantic Council Article

"The decision of Germany to allow allies to send Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine, as well as Berlin dispatching its own bilateral donation, is a significant symbol of allied commitment to Ukraine, but the implications of this move should not be exaggerated," says Michael Williams, associate professor of public administration and international affairs.

February 6, 2023

Williams Discusses NATO’s DIANA Initiative with DefenseScoop

DIANA [Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North-Atlantic] could prove key to facilitating interoperability and a more level playing field between the nations—in emerging tech areas and traditional ones that are rapidly evolving, says Michael Williams, associate professor of public administration and international affairs.

January 27, 2023

Williams Weighs in on Looming Stalemate in Ukraine, Expanding Coalition of Nations in New York Times

Michael Williams, associated professor of public administration and international affairs, was quoted in the New York Times article, "Biden Races to Expand Coalition Against Russia but Meets Resistance."

June 14, 2022

Williams Talks to CBC News About Finland and Sweden Joining NATO

Michael Williams, associate professor of public administration and international affairs, was interviewed for the CBC News article, "Putin wanted less NATO on his border. Finland and maybe Sweden will give him more."

May 16, 2022

See related: Europe, NATO, Russia

Williams Discusses the Rules of War in Washington Post

"What are the rules of war and how do they apply in Ukraine?," written by Associate Professor of Public Administration and International Affairs Michael Williams, was published in the Washington Post.

May 9, 2022

Williams Talks to KCBS Radio About Finland and Sweden Possibly Joining NATO

Michael Williams, associate professor of public administration and international affairs, was interviewed on KCBS Radio about Finland and Sweden making moves towards possible NATO membership.

April 27, 2022

See related: Europe, NATO, Russia

Williams Discusses Biden’s Meeting with NATO Allies with the Washington Times, KCBS Radio

Michael Williams, associate professor of public administration and international affairs, spoke with the Washington Times and KCBS Radio about President Biden's emergency summit with NATO allies.

March 26, 2022

See related: NATO, Russia, Ukraine

Williams Discusses the Russia-Ukraine Crisis with Spectrum News,

Michael Williams, associate professor of public administration and international affairs, spoke with Spectrum News and about the latest actions by the U.S. and NATO connected to Russia's invasion into Ukraine.

March 14, 2022

See related: NATO, Russia, Ukraine

What’s at Stake in Ukraine? Maxwell Faculty Examine the Impact of Russia’s Invasion

The Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs hosted a panel discussion and Q&A Monday, titled “What’s at Stake in Ukraine?” The event brought together respected faculty experts who examined the repercussions of Russia’s invasion.

March 4, 2022

Williams Discusses NATO Options Regarding Russia, Ukraine in AC Blog

"If Russia boosts its aggression against Ukraine, here’s what NATO could do," written by Associate Professor of Public Administration and International Affairs Michael John Williams, was published in the Atlantic Council's New Atlanticist blog. 
January 28, 2022

See related: NATO, Russia, Ukraine

Williams Talks to BBC Newshour About Russian Cybercriminals

Associate Professor Michael John Williams is interviewed by BBC Newshour "Cybersecurity: wanted criminals living freely in Russia," beginning at 7:56.
November 18, 2021

See related: Data Privacy, Russia

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