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Filtered by: Education

Hammond provides planning tips for grad students in Inside Higher Ed

Timur Hammond, assistant professor of geography and the environment, outlines some small changes graduate students can make in how they relate to their work that might create a little more space for joy, happiness and mental health. 
February 18, 2021

Schwartz discusses her recent special education study with Hechinger Report

"They’re closing the gap with their general education peers by about a sixth," says Professor Amy Ellen Schwartz, Daniel Patrick Moynihan Chair in Public Affairs and lead author of the recently published study, "The Effects of Special Education on the Academic Performance of Students with Learning Disabilities." 
February 3, 2021

Schwartz study on special education, academic performance published

Amy Ellen Schwartz, Bryant Gregory Hopkins & Leanna Stiefel
January 22, 2021

See related: Education

Schwartz discusses challenges of post-COVID school mobility in The 74

"The literature says, 'These [mobile] kids do worse,'" says Amy Ellen Schwartz, Daniel Patrick Moynihan Chair in Public Affairs. "But really, on the whole, we’re unable to fully disentangle the effects of moving from the underlying factors that led to it. And from a policy point of view, I’m not sure it matters: You show me a kid who’s moved three times in the last eight months, I’ll show you a kid who needs special attention."

December 16, 2020

New threats, familiar challenges: Maxwell responds to COVID-19

“The COVID pandemic is a great example of a current event that is changing every aspect of society—from how families are organized to how we deliver education and the structure of work,” says Professor of Public Administration and International Affairs Colleen Heflin.

October 30, 2020

See related: COVID-19, U.S. Education

Center for Disability Resources empowers students, changes perceptions

Miguel Pica ’22 knows the important work the Center for Disability Resources (CDR) does to help students with disabilities meet their academic goals. He has been working with an access counselor at the center since he came to campus in 2019—and has found his personal success with their efforts.
October 12, 2020

Ma discusses issues facing Chinese students studying online in Chronicle of Higher Education

"I worry that this potentially undermines Chinese students’ learning opportunities," says Yingyi Ma, associate professor of sociology, about U.S. university faculty members suggesting that Chinese students wait to enroll in certain courses until they can return to campus for in-person instruction.

October 1, 2020

See related: China, COVID-19, Education

Shifa paper on trade in high-skilled human capital published

Abdulaziz B. Shifa
September 28, 2020

See related: Education

Gueorguiev lends guidance on how to teach China content in ChinaFile

Dimitar Gueorguiev, assistant professor of political science, and his co-authors, emphasizes the need to protect data security, provide risk disclosure to students, promote open discussion while ensuring student safety, respect instructor autonomy, and offer support and guidance to students and faculty facing repercussions for engaging in sensitive content.

August 21, 2020

Yingyi Ma quoted in South China Morning Post article on Trump's visa rules for foreign students

"A large majority of Chinese students [are] coming to study in the U.S. not for political reasons," says Yingyi Ma, associate professor of sociology. "What they really want is quality education opportunities, so that they can improve their career prospects, or they can broaden their horizons and really enjoy being in the process of cultivating their global citizenship."

July 8, 2020

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