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Filtered by: Middle Eastern Studies Program

Khalil Talks to the NY Times, WABC-TV About the Crisis in the Middle East

“There are 1.4 million Palestinians now who have been displaced for the second or third time in seven months. ...They're living in camps, disease is rampant, we have famine spreading throughout Gaza, and the reality is unless the international community, led by the United States, steps in and brings a halt to this, we could be looking at a major disaster,” says Osamah Khalil, professor of history.

May 16, 2024

Khalil Weighs In on Biden’s Actions Towards Israel in Newsweek, Washington Examiner Articles

"The public hand-wringing versus the actual demonstrative support for Netanyahu's government, politically, diplomatically, militarily is going to be difficult for Biden," says Osamah Khalil, professor of history. "It would be very difficult for him to explain that to the base and energize the base to come out in November," he says.

April 23, 2024

Women’s Role in Violence and UN Women, Peace, and Security Agenda

Çağlayan Başer

“Women’s Role in Violence and UN Women, Peace, and Security Agenda,” authored by Assistant Professor of Political Science Çağlayan Başer, was published in Alternatif Politika.

April 19, 2024

Hostages of Credit: The Imprisonment of Debtors in the Khedival Period

Omar Cheta

Omar Cheta, assistant professor of history, contributed a chapter titled “Hostages of Credit: The Imprisonment of Debtors in the Khedival Period” to the book “The Oxford Handbook of Modern Egyptian History” (Oxford Academci, 2024).

April 16, 2024

Peacebuilding Through Cooperation in Health Care and Public Health Between Israel and Palestine

Linda Young Landesman, Robert A. Rubinstein, Robert A., Brian S. Englander

“Peacebuilding Through Cooperation in Health Care and Public Health Between Israel and Palestine,” co-authored by Distinguished Professor of Anthropology Robert Rubinstein, was published in the Journal of Public Health Management & Practice.

April 12, 2024

Natalie Koch Speaks on ‘Arid Empire’ for Arizona State Library

The Maxwell School professor’s recent book is relevant as the state grapples with controversy over a Saudi dairy company’s farming.

April 11, 2024

Khalil Weighs In on Sen. Schumer’s Plea for Israel to Forge a Ceasefire, Mideast Crisis on WABC-TV

“It is unprecedented in part because of who Senator Schumer is. He’s not only the Senate majority leader, he’s a democrat, but he’s also the highest-ranking Jewish official, the first Jewish Senate majority leader. So there’s a number of aspects here that are really important to and that add weight to what he’s saying,” says Osamah Khalil, professor of history.

April 1, 2024

In New Book, Khalil Explores Post-Vietnam Failures in US Domestic and Foreign Policies

Osamah F. Khalil

Osamah Khalil, professor of history and chair of the International Relations Undergraduate Program, has written “A World of Enemies: America’s Wars at Home and Abroad from Kennedy to Biden” (Harvard University Press, 2024).

March 13, 2024

9 Projects Awarded MetLife Foundation-Lender Center Racial Wealth Gap Grants

The awards are funded by a 2022 MetLife Foundation grant that supports research and community programming over three years to examine the racial wealth gap’s root causes and ideas that may resolve its economic and social inequalities, says Kendall Phillips, Lender Center interim director.

March 13, 2024

Koch Speaks With Freakonomics Radio About Why Arizona Grows Feed for Cows in Saudi Arabia

"What makes Arizona special is that when you have this desert land, you can grow alfalfa at an incredibly fast rate because of the amount of sunshine. So, as long as you have plentiful water, you can just grow," says Natalie Koch, professor of geography and the environment.

March 6, 2024

Koch Discusses Saudi Arabia’s Investment in Sports in El País Article

“These investments try to connect with as many young Arabs who have an interest in sports,” says Natalie Koch, professor of geography and the environment. “It is part of the construction of a new identity, one that goes beyond the concept of being the epicenter of the Sunni Muslim world.”

February 23, 2024

Catherine Herrold Receives Award to Study Locally Led Development in Serbia

The associate professor will analyze how Serbians organize for social change at the local level.

February 9, 2024

Timur Hammond - How Are We Shaped by the Places We Call Home?

Timur Hammond, assistant professor of geography and the environment, explores the impact of our environments in shaping identity and culture.

February 5, 2024

Khalil Comments on Secretary of State Blinken’s Latest Middle East Trip in Al Jazeera Article

With little indication that the U.S. will attempt to assert leverage over Israel, Blinken’s latest trip to the Middle East is fundamentally “performative,” says Osamah Khalil, professor of history. “There is a face-saving domestic consumption element for [the Biden administration] and a separate face-saving element to allow Israel to claim some kind of victory,” he says.

January 18, 2024

The Moynihan Institute Announces its ’23-’24 Graduate Student Research Grant Recipients

Each year, the Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs offers grant opportunities for graduate students of any discipline to fund research concerning Central Asia and the Caucasus, Europe, East Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East, South Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa.  
January 18, 2024

Khalil Discusses US Support for Israel in Newsweek and Vox Articles

“As this continues over the next few weeks, you’re going to see even greater distance between the U.S. and its allies, and the U.S. and Israel increasingly isolated,” says Osamah Khalil, professor of history and chair of the International Relations Undergraduate Program.

December 21, 2023

Khalil Weighs In on Trump’s Statement on Abraham Accords, Peace in the Middle East in PolitiFact

"The Abraham Accords did not achieve peace in the Middle East or help resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict," says Osamah Khalil, professor of history. 

December 12, 2023

Khalil Talks to Al Jazeera About the US Proposing the Palestinian Authority Should Rule Over Gaza

“At several different levels, this is just a pure pipe dream,” Osamah Khalil, professor of history, says of handing Gaza to the Palestinian Authority. Khalil says the Biden administration is facing mounting pressure over its support for Israel, due to the atrocities it is accused of committing in Gaza.

December 4, 2023

Khalil Quoted in NPR Article on Young Progressive Democrats Leaving the Party Over Israel

"These are the youngsters on campus who are protesting against the war," says Osamah Khalil, professor of history. "And then some of them start to look at Israel's role in the Middle East and say, are we seeing kind of the same dynamic here about U.S. foreign policy?"

November 16, 2023

Khalil talks to BBC News, KNX News and PolitiFact About the War in Gaza and Israel

"The reality is a ceasefire is needed now and that's not something the United States is willing to agree to. The most the United States is willing to do is a humanitarian pause, but that's not nearly sufficient. And on this, the United States and Israel are an outlier in the international community," Osamah Khalil, professor of history, tells BBC News.

November 1, 2023

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Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs
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