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Center for Policy Research News

Heflin codirects project funded by Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Colleen Heflin has been awarded a $74,986 grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The grant will fund research into the effects of parental employment on child care and child-care subsidies.
February 3, 2020

See related: Grant Awards

Baltagi paper on testing for heteroskedasticity published in Journal of Econometrics

Badi H.Baltagi, Byoung Cheol Jung & Seuck HeunSong
January 31, 2020

Monnat quoted in BuzzFeed article on increase in US life expectancy

"While life expectancy has continued to improve in large highly educated urban hubs, life expectancy declines have been much more pronounced in former industrial cities, much of Appalachia, and in many small towns and cities across America’s heartland," says Shannon Monnat, associate professor of sociology and Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion.

January 30, 2020

Maxwell team wins grant from Department of Justice for opioid study

A group comprised of four researchers — representing the Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion and the Maxwell X Lab — will receive approximately $500,000 over three years in support of their research on different opioid court treatment interventions across New York State. 

January 28, 2020

See related: Grant Awards, Opioids

Monnat quoted in Marie Claire article on dermatology deserts

"There is less access to healthcare overall in rural towns compared to urban areas of the U.S. Many rural parts of the country don’t even have a hospital, much less specialty care like dermatology," says Shannon Monnat, Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion.

January 9, 2020

See related: Rural Issues, United States

Schwartz study on housing vouchers, academic performance published

Amy Ellen Schwartz, Keren Mertens Horn, Ingrid Gould Ellen & Sarah A. Cordes
January 7, 2020

See related: Housing

Burman offers his view on Trump's tax cuts in Wall Street Journal

"We borrowed a lot of money to give tax cuts to big corporations and rich people in not the most effective way," says Leonard Burman, Paul Volcker Chair in Behavioral Economics. "The real concern is the growing debt and the possibility that interest rates won’t stay low forever—and I don’t think they will." 

January 7, 2020

See related: Federal, Taxation, United States

Former long-time PA professor “Bunny” Jump has passed away

Jump first came to Maxwell in 1970 as a National Science Foundation postdoctoral fellow in urban economics. He also served, initially, as director of the M.P.A. program, before then being named chair of the PA department, a post he held for 17 years. A beloved and dedicated teacher, Jump received, in 1999, Syracuse University’s Alumni Outstanding Teacher of the Year award.

January 7, 2020

See related: In Memoriam

Heflin paper on administrative churn in SNAP published in Medical Care

Colleen Heflin, Leslie Hodges & Chinedum Ojinnaka
December 31, 2019

Development, Governance, and Real Property Tax in China

Yilin Hou
December 31, 2019

See related: China

Ma explains why Chinese students study abroad in Washington Post piece

Yingyi Ma, professor of sociology, suggests that Chinese students are motivated to study abroad because of disappointment with the Chinese education system, which they assert “stifles creativity” and “entails hellish hours of studying.”

December 17, 2019

See related: China, U.S. Education

Ma discusses how western universities can help Chinese students in Times Higher Education

According to Yingyi Ma, associate professor of sociology, and her co-authors, U.S. institutions need to invest more in direct recruiting in China, do more to integrate Chinese students, and provide diverse networking opportunities for them.

December 13, 2019

Heflin weighs in on cuts to food stamp program in CBS News article

"Given that we are having a real sort of rescaling of mortality in this country as a whole, to think about cutting anything that supports health and an associated reduction of mortality is a real mistake," says Colleen Heflin, professor of public administration and international affairs.

December 13, 2019

Monnat study on opioids cited in CityLab article

While the urban opioid crisis is a crisis of heroin and illegal drugs, the rural opioid crisis of prescription drugs is largely a story of growing spatial inequality and of places left behind, most often occurring in places that tend to have a declining industrial base, finds a study co-authored by Shannon Monnat, Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion.

December 12, 2019

Rothenberg examines impact of BRT on traffic congestion in VoxDev

Arya Gaduh, Tadeja Gračner & Alexander Rothenberg
December 10, 2019

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CPR Seminar Series - Anna Haskins

426 Eggers Hall

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Anna Haskins (Cornell University) will present "Schools as Surveilling Institutions? Parental Incarceration, System Avoidance, and Parental Involvement in Schooling" as part of the CPR Seminar Series. For more information, please contact Emily Minnoe at 

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